© All Rights Reserved to Menucha Yankelevitch.
Do not copy, draw, photograph, print, or use the drawings in any way or by any electronic or mechanical means, not even a part of a picture, without written permission from the artist!
ON A PERSONAL NOTE – I offer a variety of paintings featuring holy sites and traditional Jewish customs painted with a modern
Innovative style. This unique style lends my pictures an element of mystery and hidden meaning,
inviting personal interpretation by the viewer.
In addition, this style is refreshing and captivates the viewer’s emotions, invoking feelings of
Spiritual inspiration and identification.
These Jewish-themed paintings, as well as others are typically characterized by clean lines,
impressive texture and minimalist sketches that are complemented by splashes of bold color.
It is no wonder that my paintings are particularly popular amongst interior designers who are
looking to upgrade the homes of their clients’ elegant homes.
ההבעה החדשנית שאני נותנת בציוריי העכשוויים למנהגים מסורתיים ומקומות מקודשים
מוסיפה ממד מסתורי ומפתיע ומזמינה פרשנויות נוספות.
הקו האלגנטי והנקי, הטקסטורה המרשימה, הרישום המינימליסטי לצד כתם צבע עז
אלו ועוד מבחר ציורים בהבעה חדישה, לוכדים את הצופה להתרגשות והתחברות.
לא פלא שמעצבות רבות בחרו בציוריי לבתיהם היוקרתיים של לקוחותיהם.
© All Rights Reserved to Menucha Yankelevitch.
Do not copy, draw, photograph, print, or use the drawings in any way or by any electronic or mechanical means, not even a part of a picture, without written permission from the artist!
Want a free Western Wall painting
to decorat your home?
Want a free luxurious Western Wall painting worth 700$
to decorate your home?